Dear Sirius, Please Get Your Sh*t Together

By Matt Van Hoven 

Raise your hand if you listen to Sirius radio. Anyone, anyone, Bueller? Well, we don’t, mostly because of things like terrestrial radio and (as of two days ago), W+K radio (which we’ve been tweeting here and there: follow AgencySpy). But a quick look at the Sirius Web site and we sorta scoffed. That thing is locked up tighter than a tick in winter.

From what I know about Mel Karmazin, Siruis president and CEO, he doesn’t like to give anything away for free. Like, nothing. That mentality, though it jives with his paid-only-product, will kill the already ailing company (which now goes by SiriusXM, even though everything is still pretty separate).


Here’s what we think they should do, and we’ll use Sirius Hits 1, a pop station that’s second only to Howard Stern, as an example.

1. Build a blog, and flood it with content related to your show: Why a blog? Because it’s free, it allows users to connect in meaningful ways to your on-air hosts, and shows that Sirius is dedicated to multi-platform content (media-neutrality). Run 1-3 minute clips from each day’s shows, like a highlight reel, and offer a click-thru link so people can sign up to listen to the show.

2: Make your on-air hosts write: Or, at least, use a transcript from the show and have an intern create posts out of it. Allow listeners to connect with the people they’re listening to. A quick Google Analytics search will tell you that people are looking for the non-existent Sirius Hits 1 blog. They want to connect with you, all 3 million of them, and now that you’re merging with XM’s pop station, you can expect more people will want to connect.

3. Be Media Neutral: Yes, you’re a radio station. However, since your programs are available online, listeners will naturally assume you have other online content to coincide with the pop channel.

4. Post pics and web cam video of your celebrity guests: This content is uber valuable because the likes of Perez Hilton and TMZ will have the opportunity to link to it, further growing your brand and enticing others to, at least, click back to your site &#151 and hopefully buy subscriptions.

5. Sell ads on the blog, and possibly save your brand: Sure, you don’t run ads on the radio show, but this is an opportunity to finally earn some ad revenue, to shill other programs, and reach out in ways you currently can’t with your shows. Do it like this: find an ad client to run a promo whereby Sirius listeners can enter their password or whatever and get 15% off cogs &#151 announce the promo in one of your radio segments, sit back and watch the CPMs roll in.

Good golly there’s a million more things you could be doing to earn some moola, and in light of your economic woes, investing one person in this task to get the ball rolling for Sirius Hits 1 would do more for your station than your limited mind can imagine. Hell, we’ll do it for you. We can be reached at Werd.

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