Dabitch Sticks it to Showtime; Take That Nonsensical Campaign

By Matt Van Hoven 

You’ve probably seen the pin-up campaign for the season premiere of Weeds and the series premiere of Secret Diary of a Callgirl on Showtime.


Ask Dabitch Wappling, a stellar blogger and maven at The Commercial-Archive, Adland, put together the top photo because, as she put it, “(the Showtime pieces [bottom]) were in need of mocking, so (she) posed just like them, albeit with less big hair-styling and airbrushing.”

Jump down the rabbit hole.

From her blog:

“I get ‘the secret diary’ being styled as a retro pinup shot, not that I have seen the show but I gather it’s safe to assume there’s quite a bit of sex and sexy going on in that show considering the topic. That’s fine. It makes sense to pose Billie/Belle as a pinup even. Hell, stick her in a champagne glass like the sassy burlesque girls do it, (in fact it lends a bit of class to something that sounds like a show seen on a soft-porn channel) I don’t care. Oh, that’s right, they did.

But the the Weeds mother-of-three? Lets see, the basic idea of the show is that a widowed housewife from an affluent California suburb finds that she has no other options to earn money, so she becomes an upper-middle-class marijuana dealer to make ends meet.

Oh yeah, it makes total sense to pin-up style that character. Except that it doesn’t at all. Was this a get two art direction&photo sessions for the price of one deal?”

Parker has reported this too. But hey, George, in case you’re concerned, Dabitch emailed me so I’m not ripping her (or you) off. I think George posted pretty damn early, and beat me to the punch. But not all of us are 70 and wake up at 4 am to pee, then post, then pee again before starting our days.
