Blind Item: Which Agency Exec Was Practically Laughed At By His/Her CMO?

By Kiran Aditham 

Another day, another blind item. We’ll paraphrase this and let you play our good ol’ AgencySpy game.

“They were not given however the brand portion (a HUGE slap in the face of some choice Creatives who only wanted the ‘big, fancy brand work’) but rather the Promotions side. They sugar-coated this by boasting the Promotions work was worth 60-70% of the business anyway. From the whispers I heard, ______ tried everything to retain the business — offering to cut fees, etc — but was practically laughed at by the CMO. They’ll likely blame the CMO for the business loss NOT the Agency’s inability to handle the breadth of work on the outstanding projects.”


More: “Which Agency’s CCO Feels Like Jesus?
