American Family Insurance Celebrates 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington

By Kyle O'Brien 

August 28 marks the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

To honor the occasion, American Family Insurance, in partnership with Time, has created a campaign that builds on American Family and Time’s ongoing partnership dating back to 2020. At that time, American Family Insurance partnered with Time to launch an interactive immersive project called “The March,” bringing the March on Washington to life via a virtual reality exhibit.


Now, the companies have collaborated to create an integrated campaign which includes a tribute video titled “60th Anniversary” and a 30-second commemorative spot called “The March,” as well as a series of social videos.

The videos were produced following the “Honoring the March Impact Family Dinner,” and feature notable people, including abolitionist Yusef Salaam, actress Yara Shahidi, Olympic athlete Ibtihai Muhammad and the daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr., Bernice A King.

“We are honored to have partnered with Time over the last several years to honor the legacy of Dr. King’s historic March on Washington 60 years ago,” said Telisa Yancy, president of American Family Insurance Group in a statement. “As a company, we are dedicated to inspiring and protecting dreams. We believe that his moment is about both of these things: inspiring the next generation and protecting the rich history and legacy of Dr. King and his vision for each of us.”

The commemorative ad will run throughout the day on media purchased by American Family Insurance. The digital tribute and social media videos will also be posted throughout the day.  Later this year, Time and American Family Insurance will announce the second annual “Dreamer of the Year” Award.

Agency Elite Media, American Family’s creative agency partner, helped create the campaign along with Time’s Red Border Studios for production and Performics for Media.
