Account News: MasterCard,, Some Big Client

By Matt Van Hoven 

We’ve received a few tips regarding the drama surrounding MasterCard, and a yet unnamed account. Listed here in convenient dash-point form are the goings-on we’ve heard.

&#151 The MasterCard pitch is moving along nicely, a source tells us, and just two agencies remain in the running: R/GA and MRM, McCann’s digital arm. Sapient and Rapp are out, and the final pitches have been made. We’re hearing the news should break in a couple weeks.


&#151 AdWeek’s broken the news that is up for review, and is in the final stages. Incumbent agency is Hanft Raboy and Partners, but as one tipster writes, “was anyone planning on letting Hanft Raboy know?” We called to see if the agency will be defending the account but a representative was not available for comment.

&#151 Deutsch LA has apparently won some big account today. Again, a representative wasn’t available for comment.

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