A Trip to HBO Ends in…

By Matt Van Hoven 

…Sex and The City. A friend and HBO employee invited me to the in-house showing of the just-debuted last installment of the show, which got me thinking.

Thinking about convergence. It’s everywhere in advertising. The mad rush to digital, mobile and web-whatever is not unlike SATC’s move to the big screen. And the same troubles you’d expect with a TV show going movie happens with traditional going to new advertising.


As consumers, we expect the same product &#151 we want to see the same thing we experienced in a 30 second spot to translate online. But can it?

How are you, as addies, recreating your brands in new media? Can you expect the same results online? As a virulent moviegoer, I try not to miss anything (hence my spending more than two hours at HBO), and I have to say the film was interesting. Not my style, but interesting.

Nonetheless, it’s just a question and I’m hoping you can answer it &#151 can you expect the same results in traditional as in new?
