Tony Perkins Resigns From ABC; Last GMA Day Is Dec. 2; Returning To WTTG In D.C.

By Brian 

Tony Perkins’ email to Good Morning America staff this morning [Emphasis added]:

It is with mixed emotions that I inform you all that I have resigned from ABC News and will be leaving the company and “Good Morning America” on December 2nd.

My time here at GMA has been extraordinary, and has been a truly amazing experience. I am and always will be grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this team, and to have had the honor and pleasure of working with the likes of Charlie, Diane and Robin on a daily basis. This last year or so working with Ben Sherwood has also been a period of great growth and great enjoyment for me. It is difficult to leave, but…

…I am excited to report that I will be returning to Fox Television, and specifically to WTTG in Washington, DC (my hometown), once again joining the “Fox Morning News” team as a weather anchor and as a contributor in other ways. I worked for Channel 5 for over seven years before coming to GMA, and the chance to once again be a part of that family is too good to pass up. In addition, I will have the opportunity to contribute to Fox Television overall, in a variety of ways. This will allow me the chance to utilize all of my talents (such as they are!) on a consistent basis. In addition, and most importantly, I will also be able to spend more time with my family, and to be there for my wife Rhonda and my son Connor, the best and most important things to ever happen to me.

Just as I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with such a great staff and on such a great show, I was also blessed to be presented with this new opportunity at this time. Although it is hard to leave GMA, the show is in a strong position right now, and for many reasons, both professional and personal, this is the right time to move on to a new and exciting chapter of my life.

There will be another email from me as we get closer to the end to appropriately thank everyone for everything–and there are MANY to thank. But for now, please know that it has truly been a great joy to be a part of this family.

Now on to the November Sweeps!

