Baghdad Bombers Target Journos Again; NBC Staffers Were “Blown Out Of Bed”

By Brian 

“Two suicide bombers on Friday targeted a hotel compound that houses a number of news organizations, including NBC News, but failed to pierce the perimeter,” says.

NBC’s Mike Boettcher describes his unfortunate wake-up call:

“We were at that point in the morning when we were waking up. Most of us woke up with this extreme wake-up call — literally blown out of bed.

I was literally getting out of bed when the bomb hit, blowing out the windows of two rooms of my place.

We now know to expect multiple bombs. So, after that first blast threw me back against the wall, I got down on my knees and crawled out to try to figure out what was going on. I saw the main area of my room was basically destroyed. Not just the glass, but the frames of the windows and the doors had been blown in and the roof had collapsed.

Then the second bomb went off and I was thrown back again against another wall.

That explosion blew out windows in the third room. I have a little suite here, where I live and work. So, all three rooms are totally unusable and destroyed now.

Once we realized that everyone on our NBC team was OK and we were sure there were no other explosions, then we went down and started covering the story.”

