Scene @ HarperCollins Pizza Party

By Neal 


Top row: Heather McElhatton, the author of grown-up choose-your-own-adventure “do-over novel” Pretty Little Mistakes, chats with a Fox & Friends staffer at a pizza party hosted by HarperPerennial at Mo Pitkin’s Monday night to showcase their spring fiction. (McElhatton also recently signed a deal to write The Average American Female, a response to Chad Kultgen‘s recently buzz-generating novel.) Bottom: Jennifer McMahon, author of Promise Not to Tell, shares a laugh with her editor, Jeanette Perez. I can’t remember exactly, but I think they may have been telling me about how McMahon’s novel went from being called Potato Girl to She Doesn’t Anymore before all interested parties settled on the final title.

Polly author Amy Bryant joined McElhatton and McMahon in reading from their books after a suitable amount of mingling over the pizzas shipped in from Two Boots across the street.