Readers Share Memories of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’

By Jason Boog 

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, HarperCollins set up a special video booth at BEA 2010–recording the thoughts, feelings, and memories of the novel’s fans. In the video embedded above, we stopped by the booth to find out more.

For more BEA coverage, check out our reporting for BEA Day One, BEA Day Two, and BEA Day Three.

Here’s more about the author: “For some years [Lee] spent most of her time in New York City, where, until she began writing, she was employed in the reservations department of an international airline. “Aside from writing,” says Lee, “my chief interests in life are collecting memoirs of 19th-century clergymen, golf, crime, and music.”