Michael Bay Slated to Produce Upcoming Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child Adaptation

By Jason Boog 

pc23.jpgParamount bought the rights to the is the first book of the upcoming Gideon Crew series written by bestselling authors Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Grand Central Publishing will release the first novel of the series, Gideon’s Sword, in February.

Variety has the scoop: “In what’s said to be a seven-figure deal, Paramount has picked up Gideon’s Sword, optioning the upcoming novel for Michael Bay to produce through Bay Films.” One year ago, Bay bought the rights James Frey’s upcoming YA novel, I Am Number Four.

Here’s more about the Preston & Child partnership (pictured, via kramerimages): “In the early 1990s Preston and Child teamed up to write suspense novels; Relic was the first, followed by several others, including Riptide and Thunderhead. Relic was released as a motion picture by Paramount in 1997. Other films are under development at Hollywood studios. Preston and Child live 500 miles apart and write their books together via telephone, fax, and the Internet.”