Oyster Forms Partnership With Pottermore

By Maryann Yin 

HP on OysterOyster has established a new agreement with Pottermore.

Subscribers now have access to all seven installments from the Harry Potter series and the three titles from the “Hogwarts Library”. In honor of this occasion, young adult author Lauren Oliver has penned an essay for The Oyster Review on the influence J.K. Rowling has had on her.

Here’s more from the Oyster blog: “Make sure your Oyster app is updated to version 1.9 and ¾ (you can get it on the App Store and Google Play), and then open a Harry Potter title to get the full effect. Once inside, rather than one of Oyster’s reader themes, choose one of the new ‘House Themes’—with designs inspired by Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff—or tap the Sorting Hat icon to have one selected at random. Then dive into a custom reading experience inspired by your favorite Hogwarts House.”