Darden School of Business Students Test Drive Kindle DX

By Jason Boog 

mbastudents.jpgThe University of Virginia Darden School of Business has nearly concluded an experiment testing the Kindle DX with MBA students.

Based on a preliminary report, at least 75 percent of the participants said they would no recommend the device to other incoming students for classroom use. In a short article on the school’s webpage, Darden’s director of MBA operations Michael Koenig noted that the device wasn’t suited for the “fast-paced classrooms” at the business school.

Here’s an excerpt: “‘You must be highly engaged in the classroom every day,’ says Koenig, and the Kindle is ‘not flexible enough … It could be clunky. You can’t move between pages, documents, charts and graphs simply or easily enough compared to the paper alternatives.’ Koenig learned of the dissatisfaction from a mid-term survey that concluded with two key questions: Would you recommend the Kindle DX to an incoming Darden MBA student? A total of 75 to 80 percent answered ‘no,’ says Koenig.”