Daniel Sinker (@MayorEmanuel) to Tweet for HuffPost Books

By Jason Boog 

Daniel Sinker, the Columbia College in Chicago teacher who wrote the profane and funny @MayorEmanuel Twitter account during the Chicago mayoral race, will write for The Huffington Post’s Books section Twitter feed next Tuesday.

Here’s more from the author: “Well, this is Huffington Post Books, so I wanted to write a short story about books, about their mythologies and about why we hold the stories inside them so dear. But I’m setting it far in the future, at the very end of days for the book. Like the @MayorEmanuel story, a lot of it will be improvised – I have a few images I like and some beats I want to be sure to hit – but absolutely interaction from the audience is going to be crucial, even if a time-shifted link from the far future that somehow intersects with present-day Twitter and allows communication to flow in real-time may seem like a difficult rig to build.”

Next week Sinker will publish his tweets in a book form with Scribner, in The F***ing Epic Twitter Quest of @MayorEmanuel.