Tuesday Odds and Ends

By Kiran Aditham 

-Conservatives are apparently up in arms over a J.Crew ad featuring a boy wearing pink nail polish. link

-LBi hired Maryann Pulvirenti as client services director for its New York office.


-Akiko Iwakawa joined Cut + Run’s roster of editors.

-Red Tettemer + Partners was named national AOR for Front Burner Brands, the parent of restaurants like Melting Pot and GrillSmith.

-O&M alum David Thorpe joined SapientNitro as VP of strategy and analysis and will be based in Miami.

-Flipcam, we hardly knew ye. link

-The folks at ad:tech San Francisco show their love for eMarketer CEO Geoff Ramsey. link

-We just find this app/interface intriguing and amusing. link
