Killing (Herself) to Live

By Matt Van Hoven 

There’s a small stench of irony stuck to this ad asking you to “say no to fur.” Lately, the subject of model body size has been in the media, and this blog as well (here, here and here), with Ralph Lauren snugly in the cross-hairs.

This ad, from agency Overdose (more irony?) in India is nearly a parody of itself. Peta does this too &#151 uses women, usually stunningly attractive women, to send a message about animal cruelty. Humans are animals, too, and though this particular model isn’t overtly skinny (who knows, we can’t tell), using her probably-skinny body, which is fitted with what is hopefully a fake fur, may add to another problem &#151 a world of women trying to look like models.


What point is there to showing this lady in a fur? Maybe, culturally, it says something. That’s the problem we have in judging international work &#151 it’s trying to speak to people who aren’t a us. Presumably.

Also, she looks good as hell in the fur. Like, really good. Which means this ad is about as strong as the “smoking can kill” warnings on cigarettes. The point is made that something bad will come (or occurred) in order for you to have this product. But the ends may justify the means in your mind &#151 if the end is you looking really hot. If only she was smoking a square &#151 not that’d be something.

Via Adsoftheworld

More:Peta Takes On The Olsen Twins
