Creative Partners Say the Darndest Things

By Bob Marshall 

Odds are, you’ve heard your partner-in-crime/art director say some weird crap over the years (or show their affection in the most permanent of ways). Successful creative types tend to be a little eccentric. That’s just sort of what happens.

But, when was the last time your art director looked deep into your eyes, maybe rested his or her hand on your shoulder, and said, “I think I’m swollen. Will you feel my glands?” Well, some anonymous copywriter might be vying for a television contract under the Twitter handle @shmypartnersays. While this might not get a William Shatner-starring show on prime time, it could at least get a streaming webisodic treatment. We nominate Randy Quaid to play the hilarious art director. The dude needs work…any work at this point.


Anyone have any idea what Chicago copywriter/art director duo this might be?
