WRC Anchor Craig Melvin Makes a Cameo in ‘Transformers’ As a TV Reporter

By Merrill Knox 

WRC’s Craig Melvin is putting his anchoring skills to good use. The Washington, DC-based anchor has a cameo as a TV reporter in “Transformers: Dark of the Moon,” which opens today.

“It’s a scene in DC and there’s a lot of activity going on behind me,” Melvin tells Otis Taylor, Jr of The State. “I’m just supposed to be describing the activity.”

Melvin, who did four or five takes of his scene while the movie was filming in 2008, has also played a television anchor on recently-canceled NBC drama “The Event.” He spoke out about his role in “Transformers” last fall on the WRC website, but due to contractual obligations with the movie, the station was forced to remove the post.

