Two Talent Firms, Napoli Management Group and IF Management, Expand

By Stephanie Tsoflias Siegel 

Two talent representation firms have announced merger and acquisition plans to expand services.

Napoli Management Group sold an majority of its company to Blue Equity, a private investment firm based in Kentucky. Earlier this year Blue Equity two other talent firms to its portfolio, 3 Kings Entertainment and Best Entertainment.

“Partnering with Blue will allow us to stay competitive in this ever-changing environment and will provide us with the resources we need to expand our practice,” Founder, Mendes Napoli said. “Teaming up with Blue Equity will give us the ability to grow our company into an even larger force in the industry. I know our clients will be well served by this new entity.”


Napoli represents more than 600 local and network news personalities.

If Management, another talent firm that represents news and sports talent, merged with The Montag Group last year. This week the group announced another firm, Vision Sports, will join the group and bring along its sports broadcast clients.

“A lot of people thought that The Montag Group would be a boutique agency,” said Sandy Montag, who founded the Montag Group 2014. “We’ve developed into a medium-sized agency. In the world we live, I like the size we are now. We’re not a one-man operation. We’re not worldwide. But we have a really good imprint in the industry.”

All three companies will operate under the Montag Group. If Management will retain its name as the company’s news division.
