Suspected Planned Parenthood Shooter Tells Reporter FBI ‘Wanted to Start a War’

By Kevin Eck 

Robert Lewis Dear, the man accused of 170 counts of crimes, including murder in an attack on a Colorado Springs, Colo., Planned Parenthood clinic, called Denver CBS-owned station KCNC to talk about the day he allegedly opened fire.

“It wasn’t planned, as far as that goes,” Dear told KCNC investigative reporter Rick Sallinger in an exclusive interview. “It was just a spur of the moment that… okay. They wanted, they wanted to slay, to come for me, they wanted to start a war, and so that’s why I did it.”

Dear said after he complained on the radio about the Waco siege 22 years ago, he’s been followed by the FBI ever since.


Dear told Sallinger that 10 FBI agents were following him from his trailer home in Hartsel that morning.

“I felt like they were going to get me and so I am going to pick where I want to make my last stand. And I picked Planned Parenthood because it’s murdering little babies.”

Dear claimed the FBI tipped off the clinic that he was on his way.

“Well, when I got there of course, those guys knew I was armed, knew everything about me. They slither off like snakes and they get the local cops to do their dirty work, so that’s why the shootout was there,” said Dear.

The attack killed three people: Garrett Swasey, a University of Colorado police officer, Ke’Arre Stewart, an Iraq War veteran and Jennifer Markovsky, a mother of two.

Dear added, “I’m just letting you know I am sane, I am coherent, I have a college degree.”
