Nutjob Truthers Say WDBJ Shooting Just a False Flag Operation

By Kevin Eck 

Chris Hurst, the boyfriend of Alison Parker, one of two WDBJ journalists murdered on live TV last month, is now being told it was all a lie.

The Daily Beast reports Hurst is being trolled by conspiracy theorists who say Hurst is not really an anchor and the whole gruesome murder was part of a false flag operation by the U.S. Government, designed to pave the way for a new world order.

“The hoax theories have taken a toll for sure,” said Hurst. “I’ve definitely felt it more than anyone. I’m the one with the Facebook and Twitter page.”


In the minds—and YouTube videos—of some conspiracy theorists, Chris is not a news anchor at WDBJ in Virginia. Chris, the videos say, is a “crisis actor” invented less than a month ago by the United States government as part of a false flag operation that will eventually allow the New World Order to take away every American citizen’s guns and force them into a life of subjugation and tyranny.

Every day now, Chris wakes up to find strangers’ hate on his Facebook wall that he has to personally delete. Or he’ll Google Alison to find the people he has to thank for donating to her scholarships and he’ll see, instead, another conspiracy theory YouTube video, viewed 800,000 times over, that says Alison was in on it all along, and that she’s been given a new life and maybe plastic surgery by the government.

One commenter on Hurst’s Facebook page asked, “how much did you get paid for this? Millions, thousands, or something else? How can you be part of this Chris HURT.”
