KMOV’s Matt Sczesny Attacked While Reporting Outside a Police Department

By Merrill Knox 

Matt Sczesny, a reporter at St. Louis CBS affiliate KMOV, was reporting from outside the Alorton Police Department yesterday when he was attacked by a strange man.

KMOV’s Larry Conners reported on the incident during the 10 p.m. newscast:

We tell you about a lot of crime. Tonight, we have to tell you about one of our own reporters being attacked. About five hours ago, Matt Sczesny was on a story. He was standing outside one of our marked vans right across the street from the Alorton Police Department. A man walked up and asked, ‘can I ask you a question?’ Matt said sure. Then, for no apparent reason, he punched Matt. Matt and the man struggled for about 10 seconds or so before the man ran off.  It appears the attacker when he heard Matt’s photographer coming to help. Matt is okay, I talked to him a few minutes ago.The man didn’t really take anything, didn’t really ask for anything other than if he could ask a question. Police still looking for the attacker.


Sczesny tweeted a link to the story and a response this morning:

