KESQ Reporter Forced To Do Live Shot On An iPad

By Aneya Fernando 

KESQ, the ABC-affiliate in Palm Springs, is taking the whole one-man band reporter concept a little too far. According to Cactus Hugs, last night, the station had intrepid reporter Natalie Brunell doing a live shot sans photographer or camera. It was just Brunell and an iPad, or as KESQ put it, a “Live Pad.”

Brunell was reporting from the registrar’s office in Palm Springs on election night when the incident occurred. When she tried to change the front-facing camera to get a wider shot of the ‘polling area’ she couldn’t figure it out, and gave up. Brunell was then forced to conduct her interview with the iPad inches from her face. Oh, and it was her birthday, too.


Hopefully KESQ will splurge on a photographer, or maybe just a real camera, next time.
