Jacksonville Station Gets Approval to Fly Drones

By Kevin Eck 

Jacksonville, Fla., CBS and Fox affiliate WJAX-WFOX says it’s the only local station in the area to get approval from the FAA to fly a drone for newsgathering.

Their drone is called Skyvision.

“Now, our news coverage soars to new heights,” said the station. “With government approval, we can now give you a bird’s-eye view of the search area from above, from wooded areas to retention ponds, even the culverts that line busy area roads.”


Like the other stations that got approval, WJAX-WFOX is letting viewers know they’ll be safe. “Every time Skyvision takes off, a licensed pilot is at the controls,” said the station. “Our drone will fly over public property and away from local airports, military bases and areas where there are large crowds.”
