CNN Pairs With Unlikely Indie Partners

By Andrew Gauthier 

Fast Company

Either CNN is getting insanely hip or VBS.TV, the video arm of gonzo-hip magazine and lifestyle brand Vice, and SubPop records, the Seattle label that launched Nirvana, have grown way up.

The two arbiters of all things rocking and youthful figuratively hoisted old man Turner atop a throng of music fans Tuesday night at Brooklyn music venue Public Assembly so he could crowd surf to the sounds of Handsome Furs, a Canadian electro-punk duo, the side project of slightly more popular indie outfit Wolf Parade front man Dan Boeckner and his partner Alexei Perry Cox.


The Furs are featured in the segment “Indie Asia: On tour with Handsome Furs.” Right now, the VBS.TV on microsite is offering “The Vice Guide to Liberia.” The new “VBS.TV on” will hold a prominent spot on CNN’s newly redesigned site and will show up on the CNN app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. A new report airs each Wednesday. More…
