Birmingham News Director Exposed Colleagues to Covid-19

By Stephanie Tsoflias Siegel 

A Birmingham, Ala. news director says she got Covid-19, gave it to her family and also exposed her colleagues to the virus.

In a letter on WBRC‘s website, Shannon Isbell writes, “my whole family has Covid,” explaining that while only she and her husband have been officially diagnosed, “we all have symptoms,” including her daughter and mother.

Isbell chalked up her original symptoms to just a cold. In a few days, she felt better, and opted to travel with a co-worker to Montgomery, Ala. station for training, where she exposed the co-worker and four other employees at the station. All of them are now quarantining.


She writes:

If you’re sick, stay home. Even if you think it is allergies or a cold. I didn’t. And I exposed a bunch of people.

Renew your library card and download the app on your phone. It will give you something to do when you’re stuck at home for days and your family is on your nerves.

Buy some board games so you can pass the time with your family before you’re driving each other crazy.

And prepare for being sick. Have some cold meds on hand to treat the symptoms. Buy a couple boxes of tissues and some Epsom salts for hot baths.

Isbell and her family are recovering at home.
