With the Lockout Over: ESPN Taps the 'Evolution of Dance' Guy to Get Fans Pumped Up

By Alex Weprin 

With the NFL lockout finally, officially, over, ESPN is hoping to get fans pumped up for football with a new spot featuring the guy from the “Evolution of Dance” videos. In it, Judson Laipply recreates 23 of the more famous touchdown celebrations in recent years. See how many you can spot:

CNBC’s Darren Rovell has the details on the spot:


ESPN & Wieden + Kennedy started with a list of famous touchdown dances and pared it down to the ones that Laippley would eventually perform. Kirksey said the idea was to include the dances that would be instantly recognizable but also some obscure ones.

“Fans love to spend time figuring things out,” Kirksey said.

When the list was finalized, a music track was written and Laippley practiced for what he says worked out to be about 50 hours. He flew up to New York City last week and recorded the video on one take.
