White House Officials Discuss Dunn’s FNC Comments

By kevin 

Today on the Sunday shows, Senior Adviser David Axelrod and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel discussed the remarks made by communications director Anita Dunn last week regarding White House positions on Fox News.

On “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” Axelrod said of Fox News, “It’s not really news. It’s pushing a point of view. The bigger thing is that, other news organizations, like yours, ought not treat them that way…We’re going to appear on their shows, we’re going to participate. But understanding that they represent a point of view.”

Emanuel appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” and said, “While it’s clear what the white house and what Anita said, the concentration of the white house isn’t about what FOX is doing.”



> More: On FOX News Sunday former adviser to Pres. Bush Karl Rove added, “This is a White House engaging in its own version of the media enemies list. And it’s unhelpful for the country and undignified for the president of the United States to so do.”
