Which TVNewsers Rock the Vote?

By SteveK 

If you plan on heading to see the new movie, “Swing Vote,” this weekend — and indications are you haven’t seen it yet — you’ll notice a lot of TVNewsers gracing the screen.

The Kevin Costner movie is based around the completely-ridiculous-yet-still-technically-possible concept that one person’s vote doesn’t get counted on a malfunctioning voting machine, and because of a tie in the electoral votes in the country and the popular vote in New Mexico, his vote decides the election. To see this play out, Costner enlisted the help of some journalists to play themselves.

One of the TVNewsers makes his 23rd film appearance, while another shot her role while eight-and-a-half months pregnant. Portfolio talked to all the “actors” for a magazine feature this month.


But for some fun, make your guesses: they include two from MSNBC, two from CNN (and one formerly of the network), one star blogger, one journalist-turned-screenwriter then back again and one host of a show TVNewsers like to go to joke with Matt Taibbi.

Click continued to see which journalists made the casting cut…
