When Does Breaking Become Broken?

By Brian 

A cable news observer writes: “I recognize this question is as old as cable news, but at what point does ‘breaking’ news stop breaking? CNN has had the white-on-red ‘breaking news’ graphic up all morning and for over most of the weekend whenever the crisis in the Middle East is covered, regardless of the urgency of the content. My pavlovian response still makes me put down the remote whenever I see it, despite my better judgement which is now making me question the accuracy of ‘breaking’ these days. So when does breaking become broken?”

Great question. CNN is taking its abuse of the breaking news banner to new and unfortunate heights as events in the Middle East unfold. Fox News has been scolded (as recently as last week) for excessive use of the Fox News Alert, but the channel has been restrained recently, opting for a quieter “Developing” tag most of the time. CNN is clearly the worst offender when it comes to exaggerating “breaking news” during the crisis in the Middle East…
