V&W: WNT Records Ratings Bump In Some Western Cities

By Brian 

Elizabeth Vargas and Bob Woodruff are scheduled to anchor World News Tonight “from various cities on the West Coast late next week” to promote Western Edition, today’s L.A. Times notes.

Early ratings reports indicate that ABC got a bump in some Western cities during the first few days of its late edition. In Las Vegas, the audience increased by 23% on Thursday and Friday compared to the last quarter of 2005, according to Nielsen Media Research, and Phoenix was up 17%. The audience in Los Angeles stayed flat, however, and Seattle saw a 27% drop.”

Matea Gold writes: “Radio and television ads promoting the new Western editions tacitly acknowledge that the network may be selling something television watchers didn’t realize they needed.” ‘Did you even know your network evening news wasn’t live?’ an announcer asks in one radio spot. ‘Well, that’s finally changing.'”
