Tucker In The Afternoon: First Day #’s

By Brian 

CNN’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer went up against Tucker, formerly known as The Situation with Tucker Carlson, for the first time yesterday afternoon. FishBowlDC’s been treating it as a grudge match, so how’d the CNN-turned-MSNBC host do in his old Crossfire time slot?

At 4pm, Tucker averaged 82,000 demo and 183,000 viewers. Wolf almost doubled Tucker’s demo score, with 152,000 demo and 636,000 viewers. Compared to the timeslot’s June average, Carlson was up 6 percent in the demo.

At 6pm, Tucker averaged 79,000 demo and 161,000 viewers. Lou Dobbs averaged 176,000 demo and 823,000 viewers. (Carlson was up 4 percent compared to the timeslot’s June average.)

Tucker’s hourly numbers were down slightly compared to his June averages at 11pm (90,000 demo and 210,000 viewers). But since the show airs twice now, it’s actually attracting more eyeballs…
