Three Bombs Explode Near NBC’s Baghdad Bureau, “Shaking Us All To The Bone,” Charles Sabine Says

By Brian 

Three explosions shook NBC’s Baghdad bureau on Thursday, Charles Sabine reports: “The first struck at 10 a.m. (local time) shaking our NBC News Bureau compound. A suicide bomber detonated his vehicle in the street almost immediately below us. It was a huge ball of flame with smoke rising hundreds of feet into the air. As we all rushed to see what had happened in that first explosion, about 30 seconds later, a second car exploded just about a hundred yards away from that one, even closer to our building, shattering windows in the NBC News Bureau and shaking us all to the bone.”

The insurgents had been trying to hit some sort of convoy. And then, three hours later, “I was filing a report for NBC on camera when there was an enormous explosion from the same part of the street where the other two had happened, just behind me. I felt it push me off my feet just as I was recording a piece to camera and it turned out that this was a third car bomb that had not exploded in the original attack.”

No one from NBC was injured, but at least 18 people were killed in Baghdad. More…

> Lost Remote says the video is amazing…
