The Ticker: Reading Lists, Palkot, Curry…

By Brian 

> This e-mailer’s message pretty much sums up cable news: “The bikini strangler was caught tonight. Fox cut in with a special report…”

> Notice the word use: “Marriage Protection Constitutional Amendment Stalls in 49-48 Vote” / “Senate vote rejects Constitutional gay marriage amendment” / “Same-sex marriage amendment rejected…”

> This summer, Tim Russert is reading “Manhunt,” Chris Matthews is reading “Jack Kennedy: The Education of a Statesman,” and Candy Crowley and George Stephanopoulos are reading “Everyman,” today’s D.C. Examiner says…

> FNC’s Greg Palkot in Indonesia: “My team and I were debating which would be preferable, getting caught under a pancaked five-story hotel, or being catapulted down five stories from an upper room…”

> Gawker: “Martha Stewart was just on the Today show to educate us all on the art of decorating plant pots; before the arts and crafts, however, Ann Curry couldn’t resist showing off her hard-nosed newswench skills…”
