The Ticker: Rather, Carlin, Hemmer…

By SteveK 

> Dan Rather interviews Dr. Chris De Rosa, a top government scientist, in an exclusive on Dan Rather Reports. De Rosa tells Rather in his first-ever television interview about his warnings that went ignored about the dangers of formaldehyde exposure. The interview airs tomorrow at 8pmET on HDNet.

> The Huffington Post’s Rachel Sklar interviews comedian George Carlin, and touches on Carlin’s preferences when it comes to TV news. He says all three networks are “worth watching,” but not because of the anchors themselves. “I do love Keith, I think Keith Olbermann‘s a great show, love that,” Carlin said. “But the main thing that these channels have going for them is their guests.”

> Cincinnati native Bill Hemmer is interviewed by the Columbus Dispatch about the upcoming Ohio primary. The FNC anchor, and handler of the 103-inch plasma touch screen known as “the Bill Board,” is betting on a Sen. Hillary Clinton victory. “I think it’s very close in Ohio. I would not be surprised if Hillary won,” he said. “She has stronger appeal in Ohio on a lot of issues.”
