The Ticker: Rather, 20/20, Caucus Cams…

By Chris Ariens 

> In between keeping tabs on his Emmys, Dan Rather will be a guest on the Wolf Blitzer-anchored Larry King Live tonight. The Topic: Benazir Bhutto.

> Tonight on ABC, 20/20 features the “most talked about and most viewed videos of 2007.” The special includes some of the 100 billion videos watched on YouTube this year, as well as celebs and crimes caught on tape.

> On this weekend’s The Chris Matthews Show, Howard Fineman reveals “we could be watching the [Iowa] caucuses more ‘live’ than we ever have before.” Fineman reports that YouTube is giving small cameras to Des Moines Register reporters and others to go into the caucuses, videotape them, and uplink them while they’re still going on.
