The Ticker (p.m. edition): Offsets, Leaders, Bonds…

By Chris Ariens 

> The Today show announced it will offset its carbon footprint in mileage and fuel when it takes viewers to the “Ends of the Earth.” NBC News staffers will have logged 500,000 miles in planning and executing the polar and equatorial adventures. The series begins Monday on Today.

> Fox News Sunday debuts a new series this weekend called “American Leaders.” Chris Wallace interviews former Pres. George H.W. Bush. When asked about Sen. Hillary Clinton, Bush says, “She’s a formidable opponent and she’s done very well, in my view. Now would I be for her? No.”

> NBC’s Jim Gray interviews Barry Bonds tonight on MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann. On the investigation into his alleged steroid use, Bonds tells Gray they can “look all they want, I have nothing to hide.”
