The Ticker: Greta, Lah, Williams…

By Brian 

> An e-mailer asks: “If it was so important for Greta Van Susteren to go to London to ‘cover’ the bombing anniversary story, then why did she leave Friday morning before most of the commemorative events?”

> By the way, while Greta was in London, four random people told her “that he/she had heard that most Americans don’t have passports.” I wish Greta hadn’t, in her words, “shrugged it off and laughed about it” — because it’s true, and it would make for a great On The Record segment. I once heard a certain nightly news anchor tell an audience to Google the percentage of Americans with passports. He said it was a very interesting stat, and it is…

> Meet CNN reporter Kyong Lah, who doesn’t want people “thinking I am crazy or evil” just because she has family in North Korea (via ICN)…

> An e-mailer asks: “Did you notice Today and The Early Show virtually ignored the Holland Tunnel terror plot from the NY Daily News? There was extensive coverage on GMA…”

> ABC News is a winner of an RTNDA/UNITY award for its Primetime special “Family Lost, Family Found,” TV Week reports…
