The Ticker: Dobbs, Nightly, Couric Qs…

By SteveK 

> Earlier today, TVNewser learned of the grass roots campaign to get CNN’s Lou Dobbs to run for president. Today in his weekly commentary, Dobbs did nothing to quiet those rumblings. “I fear none of the candidates of either party is capable of extricating us from the mess their partisan politics have created,” he wrote.

> Tonight will mark the first digital report to air on NBC Nightly News since the redesign of the site last week. Tonight’s story will focus on global outsourcing in India, while tomorrow’s will be about the business of reselling hair at a famous Indian temple. NBC Digital Journalist Mara Schiavocampo files both reports.

> CBS Evening News brings back their Primary Questions series tonight. The question for eight of the candidates is, “What’s the worst piece of advice you’ve ever given to another person?” A sampling: Mitt Romney is a bad matchmaker and Sen. Hillary Clinton shouldn’t give style tips.
