Taking A Bite Out Of Fox Biz

By Chris Ariens 

Silicon Alley Insider reports on what could have been a costly error on Fox Business Network Friday morning. Anchors Peter Barnes and Alexis Glick were coming back from a commercial break when Glick said, “There’s some news coming across the tape right now. We’re seeing from Wall Street Journal that Apple is buying an 8 percent stake in AMD.”

It took nearly a minute for the anchors to correct the error; it wasn’t Apple that was buying into AMD at all, and even the corrected information was dubious. (See the clip below)

As one insider tells me, “When a financial news network makes a mistake, it can cost you — the viewer — money. Shares can trade; the stock can move. This is a tremendous mistake made by Fox Business News.” Another insider adds, “The fact that a five week old network is even moving markets is impressive.”


Valleywag.com has the clip…
