Smith Asks Kennedy If He Is “Fearful” That Obama May Be A “Target”

By Chris Ariens 

Newsbusters has the story and video from an exchange on this morning’s The Early Show. Anchor Harry Smith was talking with Sen. Edward Kennedy about his endorsement yesterday of Sen. Barack Obama. Smith was trying to elicit a response from Kennedy about whether he was “fearful” that Obama is a “target.” The following is the partial transcript with commentary from Newsbusters’ Mark Finkelstein:

SMITH: When you see that enthusiasm [for Obama] though, and when you see the generational change that seems to be taking place before our eyes, does it make you at all fearful?

Kennedy understandably had no idea what Smith was driving at, and gave an innocuous answer about people’s desire for “a new day and a new generation.” But Smith’s follow-up left no real doubt as to what he had in mind.

SMITH: I just, I think what I was trying to say is, sometimes agents of change end up being targets, as you well know, and that was why I was asking if you were at all fearful of that.
