Sharri Berg Will Handle “How We Get Things On The Air, Both For The Channel & The Stations”

By Brian 

Following up on Sharri Berg‘s appointment: The new VP of news operations for the Fox TV stations group tells Bloomberg she “will focus on finding ways to share production technologies among Fox News, TV stations and syndicated programs such as ‘Geraldo at Large.'”

“My role is how we get things on the air, for both the channel and the stations,” she said in an interview. “This is an opportunistic time.” Also:

> Variety: “Twentieth Television is working on a talkshow that could air at 9 a.m. on local stations, and the net is testing other nonfiction pilots. Ailes also is moving the executive staff of the stations group from Los Angeles to New York.”

> L.A. Times: “The move reflects the growing influence on the station group of Roger Ailes…”
