Sean Spicer: ‘Don’t Make Me Make The Podium Move’

By Chris Ariens 

Sean Spicer went meta in his briefing today, referencing an Saturday Night Live skit in which Melissa McCarthy portrayed him, using a motorized podium to literally go after the press during a skit on the Feb. 11 episode.

When pressed about how both he and Pres. Trump violated a federal rule when they tweeted about the good unemployment report this morning, a reporter asked Spicer if he’s been counseled about not doing that in the future.

“I understand that rule was instituted to deal with market fluctuations,” said Spicer. “I think tweeting out ‘great way to start a Friday, here are the actual numbers’ that you all have reported is a bit silly. I mean, don’t make me make the podium move.”


“Honest to God,” Spicer continued, “every reporter here reported that out. I don’t think that’s a market disruption. So, I apologize if we’re a little excited to see so many Americans back to work.”

As Spicer ended the briefing, American Urban Radio Networks’ correspondent April Ryan asked him, since he brought it up, if he’d be watching SNL this weekend (the final new episode of March). Spicer didn’t say either way.

Here’s the SNL skit with the mobile podium:
