Scott Pelley on ‘The World’s Greatest Continuing Education Program’

By Chris Ariens 

PelleyMcClatchy News Service’s DC bureau reporter Maria Recio spent some time with CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley on a recent trip to Washington DC for a profile. “For a kid from Lubbock, Texas, who used to ride his bike to the library, this is the world’s greatest continuing education program,” says Pelley, anchor of the “CBS Evening News” and correspondent for “60 Minutes.”

At six foot, gray-haired and blue-eyed, Pelley is Boy Scout handsome (he was, in fact, a Boy Scout), and while his entourage includes hair and makeup people, he is focused on his product – the news. And he gives credit to all the people around him who are instrumental in that effort.

While he doesn’t want to dwell on the evening news rankings, the clearly competitive newsman points out that “60 Minutes,” hugely successful in its 47th year on the air, is frequently No. 1 among all television programs.


The evening news outlook is tougher. “We’re not as deeply in third place as we were before,” said Pelley.
