Ross Dragged Into DC Madam Court Case

By Alissa Krinsky 

The Washington Post reports the “alleged D.C. Madam said she wants to subpoena ABC News investigative reporter Brian Ross… in hopes of showing she’s the victim of a political prosecution”.

Deborah Jeane Palfrey, who gave an exclusive interview to Ross this past spring, provided ABC News with phone records of escorts and clients. “But,” Post reporter Carol Leonnig writes, “Ross’s subsequent news program did not disclose names of high-profile customers, as Palfrey had pledged would happen.” Palfrey’s attorney now wants Ross to testify because, he says, “the very real specter exists that political pressure was placed on ABC News to ‘bury’ names of prominent individuals it found among her phone records”.

Ross says there was no censorship of his reporting. “‘Our decisions regarding what we reported were based solely on what we considered to be newsworthy,’ Ross said in statements posted on ABC’s Web site.”

