Rick Kaplan Attacks His Talent

By Brian 

After Keith Olbermann‘s cancer scare sign-off Monday night, Rick Kaplan stormed onto the set and shouted at him, Lloyd Grove scoops. As Secaucus staffers watched, Kaplan called Olbermann “out of control” and “not to be trusted.”

Kaplan apparently told Olbermann that “I don’t care if you don’t come to work tomorrow.” Is he forgetting that Countdown is one of MSNBC’s highest-rated shows?

According to an anonymous tipster, the situation is even worse than the one described in the Daily News. There have been “four or five separate explosions,” the tipster said, calling them “childish, embarrassing, and insane.” Here’s the interesting part: “Witnesses against him being interviewed by management.” Update: 1:30pm: To be precise, the witnesses are against Kaplan…

> “Rick Kaplan has enough to worry about (read: Don Imus, Tucker Carlson, Rita Cosby .. can we stop now?) without crowd favorite Keith Olbermann raising his blood pressure,” Jossip says…
