Remembering Peter: “The Most Beautiful Tribute I Have Ever Seen”

By Brian 

Bravo, ABC. Here’s a blog entry on Mortimer’s Cafe:

To the Walt Disney Company, the American Broadcasting Company and, most especially, ABC News,

Thank you for the most beautiful tribute I have ever seen. I am profoundly moved by the respect your company has for Mr. Peter Jennings. Devoting two hours to his legacy, two hours that were commercial free, is a testament to his career, his committment to journalism, and his life, a life that was lived so completely. I am moved beyond words. I must simply say, thank you. Thank you so very much.

Other reactions:

> “I thought it was nice that the show opened wiht no music or graphics, just David Westin talking on the WNT set,” an e-mailer says.

> Glo Sticks: “After watching the Peter Jennings special on ABC, I suddenly realize that I’ll never hear his voice reporting ever again, and its as if I’ve lost a member of the family.”

> War Bride: “I cried through the whole Peter Jennings memorial special tonight. It may seem foolish because I never knew the man; but, you see, I did know him. Peter Jennings got me through the war.”

> Update: 9:45am: “If anyone missed the end of the show, with the jazz musician playing ABCNews’ theme on an empty World News Tonight set, it was stunning in the brilliance of the execution,” FishBowlDC says. “Haunting, yet moving and appropriate for so many reasons. All around, incredible TV for an incredible man.”
