Ratings Retention Favors FNC

By SteveK 

After some huge numbers for CNN on primary night (and a second place finish in the prime time A25-54 demo for MSNBC), the ratings retention the next night still favors FNC.

Fox News lost 31% of its audience in Total Viewers between Super Tuesday II and the following night‘s prime time. It lost 39% in the A25-54 demo. CNN saw drops of 69% and 76% in those categories, while MSNBC lost 73% and 78% of its audience.

This is not new, however. While CNN continues to dominate election nights and both CNN and MSNBC drew huge numbers from their debates, FNC continues its steady lead during non-special event programming.


FNC lost 37% in Total Viewers and 49% in the A25-54 demo after its Super Tuesday prime time coverage on Feb. 5, while CNN (69% and 76%) and MSNBC (70% and 76%) saw larger losses between nights. During the Potomac primary the next week, FNC lost just 8% of its Total Viewers in prime time, compared to CNN’s 49% and MSNBC’s 51%.
