Post-Fox Options Emerge for Tucker Carlson, Could Include Hosting GOP Candidate Forum

By Mark Mwachiro 

Could former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and former President Donald Trump team up in the near future?

That is one of many possible scenarios the controversial news talk personality could pursue as he seeks to reinvent himself following an unceremonious exit from Fox News in late April.

According to the Washington Post, Carlson may moderate his own GOP presidential candidate forum. The idea for the forum, which would operate outside of the confines of the Republican National Committee debate system, has been discussed with Trump, who would take part in it, the Post reports. Trump has indicated that he is likely to avoid the GOP-approved debates.


Ultimately, Carlson wants to avoid the fate of other high-profile former Fox News personalities, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Megyn Kelly, who after leaving the network found well-paying media jobs but nothing like what they had at Fox News Channel.

To get to the point where he can still dabble in the political media space, Carlson, according to a source in the Post, said he is willing to rework his current Fox News contract for less money. He is still under at Fox News until the end of 2024.

Smaller conservative news networks like Trinity Broadcast Network, OAN, and Newsmax are all reportedly vying for Carlson’s services.

Another option for Carlson, if he is not ready to speak to a camera, is speaking into a microphone by way of podcasting. Podcasting could enable him to control his messaging, distribution, and revenue.

The Post reports that Carlson is still interested in maintaining a visible presence and wants to continue producing documentaries and hosting live events.

Other possible digital media routes Carlson could pursue could be through streaming, where Beck has pitched an offer to him, or via Elon Musk‘s Twitter, the site he used to post his first video since his exit.

Whatever option he chooses, it is clear Carlson is determined to stay relevant within the Republican political arena and that the influence and power he had while hosting his highly-rated Fox News show is something he does not want to completely lgo of.
