People Harass Keith Olbermann; He Responds; And Lloyd Grove Prints The Responses

By Brian 

When individuals insult and taunt Keith Olbermann, he responds.

Lloyd Grove says: “Olbermann’s antagonists, who asked not to be named, repeatedly claimed in their June 8 E-mails that dead Al Qaeda terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was Olbermann’s ‘hero,’ prompting the television star to advise: ‘Hey, save the oxygen for somebody whose brain can use it. Kill yourself.'”

Here is Olbermann’s apology: “I apologize to anyone who might take offense at my part of this correspondence. It goes without saying that I should not have replied to these abusive and hateful E-mails, but I wonder how many of us could receive literally hundreds of them questioning our patriotism, religion and ethnic origin, without succumbing to the natural wish to confront such hate?”

> An e-mailer says: “Let me get this right: Two people keep emailing Keith Olbermann in order to harass him, and then send his equally insulting responses back to Lloyd Grove. And Grove will not reveal the antagonists’ names?!?! Way to be balanced.”
